My name is Giada, I am a certified Mind-Body coach & Awakening Mentor, Womb Spirit Keeper, hypnotherapist, kinesiologist and Energy healer. I love empowering and helping women and men to find their inner trust, confidence and express themselves. I work intuitively using the most suitable healing technique from Energy healing/transmission, breath-work, shamanic journeys, art interpretation/art therapies and elemental flow dance.
I found my soul’s purposes through 2 huge awakening and I have acknowledged that my struggles are my blessings. I have realised that all the shocks and traumas that have happened to me were a gift given to me to learn from and evolve. I’m so grateful for the pain I suffered because it opened up my path and I became an Awakening supporter.
I always being creative till a crisis of existence in 2016 just before my first son pregnancy. I used to work in fashion until I started to desire and get to know about the subconscious world. I decided to stop what I was doing in my career and relationships and I started to focus internally and analyse myself with the help of Yoga and meditation.

At the very early stages of learning meditation I fell into trance and I was eager to learn about myself and the subconscious mind. I practiced Zazen meditation, Kundalini yoga and crystal healing and achieved beautiful meditative bliss. The wonderful result of these practices and simply sitting in silence for hours was finding my inner peace and faith in the Divine Mother/Father.
I still remember very clearly one incredible day, even though it happened a few years ago. While I was meditating I saw an unknown shining star in the dark void space and I felt an incredible connection and pure unconditional love for the Divine Mother. My feelings were love, sadness, protection and fear. I was homesick for somewhere that didn’t exist here on Earth. This flash of remembering lasted only a few seconds, although it is hard to quantify in time. I had never experienced anything like that before. Putting this experience into words is so difficult. It was as if my skin peeled off so my Old Self was stripping away and I started to wear a different skin; the skin of protection and guidance. I wasn’t alone anymore and the only thing I needed to do was to surrender and let the Divine flow through me. As a shaman friend said: “The Divine is breathing on you”. My doubting of faith and my anxiety disappeared! My friends and family could hardly recognise me anymore.
By changing my life completely and behaving more honestly my vibration changed and I started to attract many positive things into my life. I studied energy healing such as Reiki and Kinesiology and at this stage, I understood that my journey would be a long one as new awareness about myself kept birthing. I wanted to improve and be the best version of myself. I knew inside myself that I wanted to help people but I didn’t know how. It was only after I graduated at Mind Body Excellence and my second son was born at home, that my business calling became clearer. I had faith that one day I would know how to help people and share my gifts with others.
After my spiritual and empowering home birth with my second son, I gained trust in myself; mind and body. For the first time, I fully embodied trust and learnt how to follow my inner guidance or intuition. To get to this level of trust I did a lot of inner work, Check out my Womb-Baby Doula page. I felt that I was born again and it was a magical 2020 year for us. I enjoyed my baby and my family with mindfulness and gratitude. Once again, I changed and after this magnificent and extraordinary experience I could see my life purpose with clarity.
With my baby’s home birth and my re-birth I connected strongly to my womb and the womb of Gaia and my initiation began. When the right time came I decided I wanted to heal even more. Transformation comes with action so I delved deeper into my shadows and limiting beliefs through an amazing course called “Descent into the Underworld” and “Womb Awakening” of the Art of Feminine Institute. With bravery and only after I felt my emotional wounds, I was able to heal. “A goddess is a woman who emerges from deep within herself.”
The outcomes of this healing were happiness, joy, understanding and love on a deeper level. I learned how to nurture my soul if negative energy permeates my aura and how to resist physical pain through focus of the mind on a special place in the womb. My womb holds my body roots strongly and supports my arms as they are raised in longing to the sky.
I am now extremely grateful to be able to help and empower women and men to find their inner trust, confidence and power through energy work. I love working 1:1 or group healing. I use different modalities such as: Neuro Linguistic Programming, Positive Psychology, Energy Psychology, Kinesiology, EFT Tapping, Hypnotherapy, Reiki, Meditation, Elemental and flow Dance, Shakti Dance, Womb Healing and Art-making. All of these techniques have helped me to boost confidence in myself and be my Higher Self.
I became a Mind-Body Coach in 2019 and a Transformational Coach in 2022. I have specialised in working with women. I love to empower women and men to find their True Self and connect to their inner essence. Check out my Mind Body Womb – Empowering Coaching page I have done the inner work so I know what it is to befriend your own shadow; that part of you that is bothering you and that you have neglected. Only by understanding and letting go of the heavy baggage of negative emotions that you are carrying in your mind and body, will you allow and vibrate the right light and attract happiness into your life.
I believe that each of us has a purpose in our lives and has a unique gift to share to the world. I am here to guide you to discover your shadows, embrace them and nurture your soul. Once you are ready to embark on your shadow journey and can let go your old self then you can re-birth your new Self.
Imagine you could radiate a new light from within and shine your light from your core be happy and free. Vibrate the right frequencies and attract what you really want in your future; joy, fulfilment and peace. I love people and seeing people growing, hanging and rising up.
I have created two Spiritual Circles in our community: Awaken Your Freedom as Soul Circle for anyone and Womb-Heart Circle only for Women. In my Circles I serve Tea/Cacao ceremonies, guide themed meditation, teach conscious dance through tribal to techno music vibes and run Drum Circles. Check out my Awaken Your Freedom page and Check out my Womb-Heart page , I offer 1:1 empowering sessions for anyone in Dapto and Sydney. I hold monthly Circles in Dapto and in Sydney. I run workshops and retreats in NSW
“All is Love”
-Giada Lovelight-
Spiritual growth and awakening are my passions
“When I became a Womb Spirit Keeper, I was given the honor from my lineages helping and guiding souls to become awakened. I am a Holy-transformer and I work in communion with the power of the elements and the Divine Love. I can assist souls to find their path on Earth. I work with their shadows in a gentle way and find their gifts. In my sessions, I flow with the lunar/feminine consciousness and navigate in their subconscious mind to find their messages and gifts. I like integrating the work with solar/masculine techniques through actions as: tasks, somatic therapies, art-therapies”
All is love ~ Giada Lovelight ~

I’m truly grateful to my amazing teachers along my spiritual growth and coaching path. Here are some of the certifications I have achieved so far:
- Reiki Jin Kei Do, Level 2 (Dr. Ranga J. Premaratna)
- Touch for Health (Katha Jones)
- Certified NLP Practitioner (MBX Institute)
- Certified Time Line Therapy™ Practitioner (MBX Institute)
- Certified Hypnotherapy Practitioner (MBX Institute)
- Certified Positive Psychology Coach (MBX Institute)
- Certified in NLP Energy Psychology (MBX Institute)
- Certified in Modern Hypnosis (MBX Institute)
- Certified Specialized Kinesiology Practitioner (MBX Institute)
- Certified Energy Psychology Practitioner (MBX Institute)
- Certified in Emotional Freedom Technique (MBX Institute)
- Womb Awakening Facilitator (Institute of Feminine Arts)